Pokémon G/S Walkthrough - Chapter 9

Ice Path

Route 44

Take Route 44 from Mahogany Town to Ice Path. Along Route 44 there's a thin strip of grass and here you can find a super-rare Max Revive. Also it is the only place you'll find a Lickitung. A Lickitung will come in handy for a future event. You can pick up a Tangela here as well. Also talk to Wilton the Fisherman (trainer #6) about Swarms. He'll inform on getting one of these strangely adorable little creatures.

Ice Mazes

You'll have to get past a very hard obstacle to get the HM07: Once you reach the ice part of the cave(where you slip and slide), do this in the following order; go up, left, up, right, up, right, down, left, up, left, down, right, down, right, up, right. Now go right and get that item ball and you get HM07. This HM lets you ride up Waterfalls.

A couple of New Pokemon you might want to pick up while at Ice Path are as follows. Swinub: At level 33 evolves into (Piloswine, shown below left), the powerful Ice/Ground Pokemon. There's also a shy bird called Delibird (shown below right) in the Silver version.

Now it's off to Blackthorn City to get the Rising Badge

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