Pokémon G/S
Walkthrough - Chapter 9
Ice Path
Route 44
Take Route 44 from Mahogany Town to Ice Path. Along Route 44
there's a thin strip of grass and here you can find a super-rare Max Revive.
Also it is the only place you'll find a Lickitung. A Lickitung will come in
handy for a future event. You can pick up a Tangela here as well. Also talk to
Wilton the Fisherman (trainer #6) about Swarms. He'll inform on getting one of
these strangely adorable little creatures.

Ice Mazes
You'll have to get past a very hard obstacle to get the HM07: Once
you reach the ice part of the cave(where you slip and slide), do this in the
following order; go up, left, up, right, up, right, down, left, up, left, down,
right, down, right, up, right. Now go right and get that item ball and you get
HM07. This HM lets you ride up Waterfalls.

couple of New Pokemon you might want to pick up while at Ice Path are as
follows. Swinub: At level 33 evolves into (Piloswine, shown below left),
the powerful Ice/Ground Pokemon. There's also a shy bird called Delibird
(shown below right) in the Silver version.

Now it's off
to Blackthorn
City to get the Rising Badge
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