Making Pokéballs

Kurt the Pokéball Maker in Azalea Town will make Pokéballs for you for free for saving the Slowbros from Team Rocket. All you do is give him "Apricorn" and then wait for a full day. His house is located just north of the Pokémon Center in Azalea Town.

You gather the Apricorn from the tree that look just like the fruit bearing trees. After you've gathered the Apricorn, bring them to Kurt one at a time. Then when you return the next day, Kurt will have turned your Apricorn into one of the special Pokéballs.


- more efficient on Pokémon which tends to escape

- made with WHITE APRICORN (next to Kurt's House in Azalea Town)

Heavy Ball

- more efficient on Pokémon which is big and heavy

- made with BLACK APRICORN (one of the three trees on Route 37)

Moon Ball

- more efficient on Pokémon that evolves with moon stone

- made with YELLOW APRICORN (one of the three trees on Route 42)

Lure Ball

- more efficient on water-type Pokémon which is fished out

- made with BLUE APRICORN (one of the three trees on Route 37)

Friend Ball

- Pokémon caught with this will be more attached to you

- made with GREEN APRICORN (One of the three trees on Route 42)

Level Ball

- more efficient on Pokémon at a lower level than yours

- made with RED APRICORN (one of the three trees on Route 37)

Love Ball

- more efficient on Pokémon with opposite sex

- made with PINK APRICORN (one of the three trees on Route 42)

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